(Yes, I know there are many themes out there but I highly highly highly recommend this one!) It is super easy to setup and super sexy to have on your terminal with nice fonts and icons. To install oh my zsh, run the following in iTerm2: sh -c '$(curl -fsSL )'
It’s absolutely essential to any developer as it contains hundreds of plugins and themes to configure your zsh. There’s a reason why oh my zsh has 147k stars. You must be wondering - “Hey, I’ve installed iTerm2 but it’s nowhere as sexy as yours, David.” Fret not my child, here’s what you install next. To install, run the following in the Terminal: brew install -cask iterm2įrom this point onwards, iTerm2 will replace the Terminal application forever. I don’t know about you but the right-hand side terminal looks so much more sexy visually, let alone the usage of it. Left: Terminal Right: iTerm2 (Images by Author)